


ℹ️ Profile

  • 🆔️ Name : MysterySD
  • 🔠 Education : School Student
  • 📖 Nationality : Indian
  • 💼 Years of Coding : 6 years ++

👤 About Me:

🔭 I’m currently working on Random Projects
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Major or Minor Interesting Projects
🤝 I’m looking for help with my repos updates
🌱 I’m currently learning Android Development & Machine Learning AI
💬 Ask me about Anything !!
⚡ Fun fact : I am Unstoppable but can Halt sometimes ! Hehe

🌐 Socials:

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👨‍💻 Tech Stack:

Apache Groovy CSS3 GraphQL HTML5 Java Kotlin Markdown Python PowerShell Ruby Shell Script Windows Terminal AWS Azure Cloudflare DigitalOcean Firebase GithubPages Heroku Google Cloud Netlify Linode Oracle Vercel Render Apollo-GraphQL FastAPI Flask Hugo Vue.js SASS WordPress Yarn Nginx Apache Maven Firebase MongoDB MySQL Postgres Redis SQLite Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Lightroom Adobe Photoshop Blender Figma Sketch Canva Adobe Illustrator Matplotlib NumPy Pandas PyTorch scikit-learn Scipy TensorFlow Keras Docker PODMAN CMake Gradle Postman

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